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US airdropped aid into Gaza; groups blame Israel for deadly food line clash: Updates

 The United States began airdropping humanitarian aid into the stricken Gaza Strip on Saturday, days after over 100 Palestinians were killed when witnesses said Israeli forces fired at people waiting for food in Gaza City.

U.S. Air Force C-130 cargo planes, along with Jordan's air force, conducted airdrops of humanitarian aid into Gaza for two hours on Saturday, according to U.S. Central Command. The planes dropped over 38,000 meals along the coastline of Gaza allowing for civilian access to the critical aid.

The Pentagon is planning for future airborne aid drops, according to a statement from Central Command. The parachute-borne packages have been packed so that they can be dropped safely in populated areas.

President Joe Biden announced Friday that the airdrops would begin, saying the U.S. would join Jordan and other countries to provide the airdrops of supplies, and would look to open up other avenues for delivering support. Residents of Gaza, overwhelmingly displaced due to Israel's ground offensive targeting Hamas, have suffered an ongoing humanitarian crisis with little access to food and critical supplies.

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